Related topics: international space station

One docking ring to rule them all

( —Connecting spacecraft in orbit will never be simple, but ESA is taking the next step to allow the next generation of vehicles of all types from around the world to link up with each other.

Georgia Tech advances potential commercial space flight system

( -- Last spring private industry successfully sent a spacecraft carrying cargo to the International Space Station. Now the race is on to see which company will be the first to make commercial human spaceflight a ...

Image: Dream Chaser buffet wind tunnel model

( -- The Dream Chaser model with its Atlas V launch vehicle is undergoing final preparations at the Aerospace Composite Model Development Section's workshop for buffet tests at the Transonic Dynamics Tunnel at NASA ...

Image: Dream Chaser at dawn

Dawn brings the sight of Dream Chaser, Sierra Nevada Corporation's reusable spacecraft, as it sits on the runway at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC).

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