Woman's plane photos of space shuttle go viral

(AP) -- Groggy from a late night watching the Yankees, frigid from a chilled airplane cabin, Stefanie Gordon stirred to action after the pilot's announcement. Lifting her iPhone to the plane's window, she captured an otherworldly ...

Why space shuttle fleet is retiring, what's next

As the space shuttle program winds down, questions are flying about what's happening and why. The launch countdown began Friday for the second-to-last flight. Some answers about the end of the space shuttle:

US shuttle to bring Tranquility to space station

The US space shuttle Endeavour and its crew of six astronauts are preparing for a weekend mission to deliver a space module dubbed Tranquility to the International Space Station (ISS).

NASA to Study Seeds in Space to Understand Plant Growth

(PhysOrg.com) -- NASA scientists hope to better understand exactly how and why plants grow differently in space in an experiment named, Tropi. Future astronauts may be able to grow plants as part of life support systems on ...

Fingernail-sized satellites depart on Endeavor's last run

(PhysOrg.com) -- A group of Cornell-developed, fingernail-sized satellites may travel to Saturn within the next decade, and as they flutter down through its atmosphere, they will collect data about chemistry, radiation and ...

AMS particle detector heads for the International Space Station

(PhysOrg.com) -- The AMS particle detector will take off on 29 April 2011 at 21.47 CEST onboard the very last mission of the space Shuttle Endeavour. AMS, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, will then be installed on the International ...

NASA Gives 'Go' for Feb. 7 as Final Space Shuttle Night Launch

Space shuttle Endeavour is set to launch Feb. 7 from NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla., to begin a 13-day flight to the International Space Station. Liftoff is planned for 3:39 a.m. CST, making it the final scheduled space ...

Astronauts unveil phenomenal new window on world

(AP) -- In a highly anticipated grand finale to their mission, astronauts opened the shutters on the International Space Station's new observation deck Wednesday and were humbled by "absolutely spectacular" views of Earth ...

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Space Shuttle Endeavour

Space Shuttle Endeavour (Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-105) is one of three currently operational orbiters in the Space Shuttle fleet of NASA, the space agency of the United States. (The other two are Discovery and Atlantis.) Endeavour is the fifth and final spaceworthy NASA space shuttle to be built, constructed as a replacement for Challenger. Endeavour first flew in May 1992 on mission STS-49 and is scheduled for decommissioning in 2010.

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