Fermi mission reveals its highest-energy gamma-ray bursts

For 10 years, NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has scanned the sky for gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), the universe's most luminous explosions. A new catalog of the highest-energy blasts provides scientists with fresh insights ...

'Awake' concept brings proton bunches into sync

The future of particle acceleration has begun. Awake is a promising concept for a completely new method with which particles can be accelerated even over short distances. The basis for this is a plasma wave that accelerates ...

Temporal control of light echoes

Scientists at Paderborn University, the Technical University of Dortmund and the University of Würzburg have for the first time used laser pulses to precisely control photon echoes, which can occur when light waves superimpose ...

SLAC invention could make particle accelerators 10 times smaller

Particle accelerators generate high-energy beams of electrons, protons and ions for a wide range of applications, including particle colliders that shed light on nature's subatomic components, X-ray lasers that film atoms ...

Coherent electron trajectory control in graphene

Electronic systems using light waves instead of voltage signals is advantageous, as electromagnetic light waves oscillate at petaherz frequency. This means that future computers could operate at speeds 1 million times faster ...

Florida mulls drone war on the mosquito

(Phys.org) —Drones are often associated with war and running down criminals, but this week drones for another purpose have made news. Florida is about to test how drones will do in tracking down mosquitoes. The Florida ...

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