Related topics: consumers

These dating apps are all about location

Sitting in the stands at Dodger Stadium, Steve Bergmann began checking out nearby women he might hit on. But his eyes weren't scanning the seats - they were fixed on his smartphone.

Hulu shows heading for Nintendo Wii and 3DS

Nintendo said Friday that online video service Hulu Plus will stream movies and television shows to Wii and 3DS videogame systems by the end of the year.

Wii U: New console launches in a sea of gadgets

In the six years since the last major video game system launched, Apple unveiled the iPhone and the iPad, "Angry Birds" invaded smartphones and Facebook reached a billion users. In the process, scores of video game consoles ...

Providing good customer service is key to surviving down economy

The recession and the recent holiday shopping crunch have brought further into focus the true importance of receiving good customer service. Americans are being more careful than ever about how and where they spend their ...

Tech review: Last-minute gifts for techies

It seems every company in the world is rolling out new or improved gadgets for the holiday shopping season. Here are some of the better items we've tested.

Tips for holiday tablet shoppers

One item sure to be on many holiday shopping lists this year is a tablet. But which one to choose?

Tablets: How best to bridge phone, laptop

The season of the tablet computer has arrived. Sparked eight months ago by Apple Inc.'s debut of the iPad, every major computer company is now trying to get one in stores in time for holiday shopping.

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