99-million-year-old snail fossilized in amber while giving birth

Land snails are usually preserved as fossilized snail shells or imprints, while preservation of their soft bodies is a rarity. "Our new amber find is truly remarkable for this reason as well," explains Dr. Adrienne Jochum ...

Researchers discover real reason why turtles have shells

It is common knowledge that the modern turtle shell is largely used for protection. No other living vertebrate has so drastically altered its body to form such an impenetrable protective structure as the turtle. However, ...

'Pre-historic' animal shell found in Argentina

A passer-by on Christmas Day found a meter-long shell on a riverbank in Argentina which may be from a glyptodont, a prehistoric kind of giant armadillo, experts said Tuesday.

Waste into gold: Oyster shells repurposed as magic 'Seawool'

Growing up on Taiwan's west coast where mollusk farming is popular, Eddie Wang saw discarded oyster shells transformed from waste to function—a memory that inspired him to create a unique and environmentally friendly fabric ...

Researchers model source of eruption on Jupiter's moon Europa

On Jupiter's icy moon Europa, powerful eruptions may spew into space, raising questions among hopeful astrobiologists on Earth: What would blast out from miles-high plumes? Could they contain signs of extraterrestrial life? ...

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