Related topics: cattle

Livestock disease risk tied to herd management style

A new study provides an updated picture of the prevalence of the sheep and goat plague virus (PPRV), a widespread and often fatal disease that threatens 80 percent of the world's sheep and goats, in northern Tanzania.

Wool odor could be key to protecting sheep from flystrike

A global research project led by The University of Western Australia in collaboration with the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development Western Australia has identified compounds in Merino sheep wool that ...

Bleating the traffic: sheep dodge cars in tour around Paris

A flock of sheep that has taken a 140-kilometre (87-mile) tour around Paris, nibbling on grass at historic monuments and housing blocks along the way, ended their 12-day journey on the banks of the river Seine on Wednesday.

The benefits of an unconventional pairing: Sheep in a vineyard

In addition to sipping award-winning wines, visitors to Shelburne Vineyard in nearby Shelburne, Vermont, this spring could be found taking selfies with sheep. That's because the vineyard was home to a flock of five Suffolk ...

Software to protect the world's most endangered species

By combining genetic and environmental databases, researchers at EPFL are seeking to help biologists identify more accurately the animal and plant species most exposed to climate change, in order to develop appropriate conservation ...

Stressed sheep fleeced for their genes

Genetics play a large factor in determining the temperament of sheep and how they react to stress, a study carried out by The University of Western Australia has found.

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