Science makes an open book of English evolution

"The United States of America" has become entrenched as one of the most frequently printed phrases in the modern era of written English, a study of 500 years of language evolution has shown.

Remains of Shakespeare's Curtain Theatre found

(AP) — Archaeologists in London have discovered the remains of an Elizabethan theater where some of William Shakespeare's plays were first performed — a venue immortalized as "this wooden O" in the prologue to "Henry ...

Shakespeare's co-author revealed

( -- All's Well that Ends Wellmay be a collaboration between William Shakespeare and Thomas Middleton, Oxford University academics have found.

Finding more in 'most': Scientific study of an everyday word

William Shakespeare, who knew a thing or two about words, advised that "An honest tale speeds best, being plainly told." But the exact meaning of plain language isn't always easy to find. Even simple words like "most" and ...

Scientists to reveal result of Richard III hunt

Has Britain's lost king been found? Later Monday, scientists will announce the results of tests conducted to determine whether a battle-scarred skeleton found under a municipal parking lot in central England belongs to 15th-century ...

UK lawmakers line up to host Richard III's tomb

(AP)—British lawmakers are sparring over what may be left of Richard III. No one is certain yet that remains dug up last month at a Leicester parking lot are those of the monarch immortalized by William Shakespeare for ...

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