Women and men in STEM often at odds over workplace equity

Half of women working in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) jobs report having experienced gender discrimination at work, according to a new Pew Research Center survey examining people's experiences in the workplace ...

The sexual harassment of Generation Z

Workplace policy and training in addressing matters concerning sexual harassment need to ensure that the youngest members of the workforce are also protected from this kind of abuse, something that has not necessarily been ...

Bad news for women in media

Gender bias and sexual harassment against female journalists are still systemic problems in Australian newsrooms, according to new research.

Stamping out sexual harassment in elite private boys' schools

A Monash University study has found female teachers in elite private boys' schools are vulnerable to sexual harassment due to the school's status and unique constructs, and recommends a restructure of policies and practices ...

Scientific societies speak out against sexual harassment

More than 60 leaders in science from academia, government agencies, and professional societies came together recently to address the challenge of sexual and gender-based harassment on campus, in the field, and at scientific ...

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