Sexual healing? Not likely

( -- A new study shows the production of sperm is more biologically taxing than previously thought, and expending energy on it has significant health implications.

Human-Neanderthal coupling was rare: study

Scientists have shown that modern humans have some traces of genes from Neanderthals, but a study out Monday suggests that any breeding between the two was most likely a rare event.

Scientists discover oral sexual encounters in spiders

Researchers from Slovenia have discovered oral sexual encounters in a spider, and have published their findings on April 29, 2016 in the journal Scientific Reports. Spiders are known for their unusual sexual behaviors, notably ...

Is it ethical to watch AI pornography?

If you're in your 20s and 30s, you probably watch pornography. Millennials and gen Z are watching more pornography than any other age group and are also more likely than any other demographic to experiment with AI pornography.

Online matchmaking a hit with Saudi couples

In ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia, where the sexes are strictly segregated, traditional matchmakers face tough competition from blossoming marriage services on online social networks.

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