OSIRIS-REx says hello to the Allen Telescope Array

The Allen Telescope Array uses 42 radio dishes to search for radio transmissions from ET. How do we know the system is working? To answer that we point the dishes in the direction of a spacecraft we know is transmitting radio ...

Potential habitats for early life on Mars

Recently discovered evidence of carbonates beneath the surface of Mars points to a warmer and wetter environment in that planet's past. The presence of liquid water could have fostered the emergence of life.

Search for alien signals expands to 20,000 star systems

The search for radio signals from alien worlds is expanding to 20,000 star systems that were previously considered poor targets for intelligent extraterrestrial life, US researchers said Wednesday.

Pluto reveals more secrets

Eight months after its encounter with the New Horizons spacecraft, Pluto continues to surprise the scientists who study this distant world.

Looking for deliberate radio signals from KIC 8462852

Could there be intelligent life in the star system KIC 8462852? A recent analysis of data collected by the Kepler space telescope has shown that this star, informally known as Tabby's Star, evidences aperiodic dimming of ...

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