Related topics: nasa

Project Blue and the quest to photograph exoplanets

The world's collective imagination to answer the age-old question, "Are we alone," has been reignited now that we understand exoplanets – planets in orbit around stars other than Earth's Sun – are not uncommon. There's ...

Telescope design promises to revolutionize amateur astronomy

The SETI Institute and French startup Unistellar announced a partnership today to commercialize a new telescope that promises to deliver an unparalleled view of the cosmos to amateur astronomers, and provide the opportunity ...

Why we need a new type of SETI instrument

Imagine this scenario: On a world orbiting a neighboring star, a society more advanced than our own has used large telescopes to survey all the planets within a few hundred light-years.  In this sample of a million worlds, ...

World's biggest radio ear

It's now the biggest single-dish radio telescope on Earth. Settled down in the bumpy karst of China's Guizhou province, about 1200 miles southwest of Beijing, this newest instrument for studying the heavens is very similar ...

OSIRIS-REx says hello to the Allen Telescope Array

The Allen Telescope Array uses 42 radio dishes to search for radio transmissions from ET. How do we know the system is working? To answer that we point the dishes in the direction of a spacecraft we know is transmitting radio ...

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