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Sony uses movie studio to press ultra-HD advantage

Sony Corp. is finally pressing its advantage as a conglomerate that owns both high-tech gadgets and the content that plays on them by being the only electronics maker to offer ultra-HD TVs—and a way to get movies to the ...

DragonFly NVDRIVE PCle SSD cache accelerator unveiled

Marvell today announced the availability of the Marvell DragonFly NVDRIVE, a turnkey enterprise-class PCIe SSD caching solution with built-in SSD modules that extends the company's award-winning DragonFly NVCACHE and NVRAM ...

Google launches 'scan and match' music service

Google is turning on a "scan and match" service for Google Music users to store copies of their songs online, offering for free what Apple charges $25 a year for.

Gmail disruption sets tech types atwitter

Gmail service was beset by disruptions on Monday, prompting users to flock to Twitter to express dismay and seek information about the Web-based email service run by Google.

Moody's cuts HP long-term debt rating to Baa1 (Update)

(AP)—Moody's Investors Service on Wednesday lowered its long-term credit rating on Hewlett-Packard, saying the technology giant will have trouble increasing sales of many of its products.

UN nuclear agency reports being hacked

(AP)—The International Atomic Energy Agency acknowledged Tuesday that one of its servers had been hacked after a previously unknown group critical of Israel's undeclared nuclear weapons program posted contact details for ...

Putting more cores to work in server farms

(—EPFL scientists have found that reorganizing the inner architecture of the processors used in massive data processing centers can yield significant energy savings. Their work is part of the EcoCloud program.

Measuring 'the Cloud': Performance could be better

(—Storing information "in the Cloud" is rapidly gaining in popularity. Yet just how do these services really work? Researchers from the University of Twente's Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT) ...

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