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Google devoted to search and staying nimble: CEO

Google executives assured investors that the Internet giant remained devoted to search and advertising while embracing risky new projects that could lead to big payoffs.

Google replants its garage roots in tech workshops

Amid all the free food and other goodies that come with a job at Google Inc., there's one benefit a lot of employees don't even know about: a cluster of high-tech workshops that have become a tinkerer's paradise.

As Google matures, startups keep it young

Google co-founder Larry Page is taking charge of the maturing Internet giant in a move seen as recapturing youthful roots in the face of competition from hip upstart startups like Facebook.

Making sense of Google's seemingly kooky concepts

In its self-proclaimed drive to make the world a better place, Google has immersed itself in far more than Internet search and online ads. But driverless cars and a wind energy farm in the Atlantic Ocean?

New round of documents aired in Viacom-Google case

(AP) -- Before it bought online video service YouTube, employees of Google Inc. believed YouTube's business was risky because it relied on pirated content and recommended pursuing a different strategy, newly released documents ...

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