Related topics: lymph nodes

Nanoparticles Detect and Purge Metastases in Lymph Nodes

Colonoscopy represents one of the great weapons against cancer. In one step, a physician can find precancerous lesions in the colon and then cut them out, an on-the-spot intervention that prevents cancer from developing. ...

Golden Nanotubes Detect Tumor Cells, Map Sentinel Lymph Nodes

( -- Biomedical researchers at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in Little Rock have developed a special contrast-imaging agent made of gold-coated ...

Gold Nanobeacons Detect Sentinel Lymph Nodes

( -- Virtually every patient diagnosed with breast cancer or melanoma undergoes lymph node biopsy to determine if their cancer has begun spreading in the body. Taking this biopsy involves an invasive and uncomfortable ...

AR glasses help surgeons when operating on tumors

Malignant tumors often form metastases that spread to other parts of the body via the lymphatic system. High surgical skills are required to identify the precise location of the affected lymph nodes, enabling them to be completely ...

Silicon nanocrystals map location of spreading tumors

Nano-sized fluorescent particles known as quantum dots have shown promise as powerful imaging agents capable of detecting a wide range of diseases, but these nanoparticles are usually made with toxic metals such as cadmium. ...