Using the power of symmetry for new quantum technologies

By taking advantage of nature's own inherent symmetry, researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have found a way to control and communicate with the dark state of atoms. This finding opens another door toward ...

Signals from the ionosphere could improve tsunami forecasts

New research from the University of Washington shows that signals from the upper atmosphere could improve tsunami forecasting, and someday, help track ash plumes and other impacts after a volcanic eruption.

Quantum light source could pave the way to a quantum internet

The ability to integrate fiber-based quantum information technology into existing optical networks would be a significant step toward applications in quantum communication. To achieve this, quantum light sources must be able ...

Soil sensor yields beneficial information for farmers

If you're a gardener, you know that planting seeds in the ground doesn't always mean you'll have a good yield at the end of growing season. On a personal level, this can be disappointing. Farmers are in charge of growing ...

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