Equifax warned about vulnerability, didn't patch it: ex-CEO

The security team at Equifax failed to patch a vulnerability in March after getting a warning about the flaw, opening up the credit agency to a breach affecting 143 million people, the former chief executive said Monday.

Former Equifax chairman apologizes for data breach

The former chairman and CEO of Equifax says the company was entrusted with personal information of 140 million Americans and "we let them down" as human error and technology failures allowed a massive data breach.

HBO offered 'bounty' to hackers: report

HBO offered a reward of $250,000 in response to a data breach at the television group that produces "Game of Thrones," according to a report from a leaked memo.

An end to cavities for people with sensitive teeth?

An ice cold drink is refreshing in the summer, but for people with sensitive teeth, it can cause a painful jolt in the mouth. This condition can be treated, but many current approaches don't last long. Now researchers report ...

Risk to Europe's most dangerous pathogens revealed

The impact of climate change on the emergence and spread of infectious diseases could be greater than previously thought, according to new research by the University of Liverpool.

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