Perturbation-free studies of single molecules

Researchers of the University of Basel have developed a new method with which individual isolated molecules can be studied precisely—without destroying the molecule or even influencing its quantum state. This highly sensitive ...

Cobalt Nanoparticles Boost Imaging Sensitivity and Edge Detection

( -- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can serve as a very sensitive technique for detecting small tumors in the body, but it is not as good at identifying the edges of a tumor. Photoacoustic imaging tomography ...

Researchers discover key link in a deadly staph bacteria

(—A new study from Stanford's Department of Chemistry reveals that the cell wall structure of Staphylococcus aureus, a bacterium responsible for a broad range of diseases, depends on growth stage and nutrient availability.

Improving security in the cloud

Less and less of today's computing is done on desktop computers; cloud computing, in which operations are carried out on a network of shared, remote servers, is expected to rise as the demand for computing power increases. ...

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