Related topics: brain

The differing olfactory worlds of female and male silk moths

A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, together with colleagues from the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, has studied olfaction in female silk moths. Using electrophysiological ...

Slightly lost bumble bees use scent to find their way home

Put yourself in the exoskeleton of a bumble bee for a moment: Your world would be a riot of colors and scents, both essential to guide your search for pollen and nectar. Bumble bees have excellent vision: They have a pair ...

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Olfaction (also known as olfactics or smell) refers to the sense of smell. This sense is mediated by specialized sensory cells of the nasal cavity of vertebrates, and, by analogy, sensory cells of the antennae of invertebrates. For air-breathing animals, the olfactory system detects volatile or, in the case of the accessory olfactory system, fluid-phase chemicals. For water-dwelling organisms, e.g., fish or crustaceans, the chemicals are present in the surrounding aqueous medium. Olfaction, along with taste, is a form of chemoreception. The chemicals themselves which activate the olfactory system, generally at very low concentrations, are called odors.

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