Molding the Future of Plastic Electronic Production

( -- E-readers that can be bent and folded, "smart" bandages that signal when they need changing based on oxygen levels, and biodegradable radio frequency identification tags that help companies track and manage ...

Mechanical devices stamped on plastic

( -- Microelectromechanical devices -- tiny machines with moving parts -- are everywhere these days: they monitor air pressure in car tires, register the gestures of video game players, and reflect light onto ...

New fiber nanogenerators could lead to electric clothing

( -- In research that gives literal meaning to the term "power suit," University of California, Berkeley, engineers have created energy-scavenging nanofibers that could one day be woven into clothing and textiles.

Nanowires key to future transistors, electronics

( -- A new generation of ultrasmall transistors and more powerful computer chips using tiny structures called semiconducting nanowires are closer to reality after a key discovery by researchers at IBM, Purdue ...

New, Unusual Semiconductor is a Switch-Hitter

( -- A research group in Germany has discovered a semiconducting material that can switch its semiconducting properties -- turning from one type of semiconductor to another -- via a simple change in temperature. ...

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