Curiosity Mars rover takes a new selfie before record climb

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover recently set a record for the steepest terrain it's ever climbed, cresting the "Greenheugh Pediment," a broad sheet of rock that sits atop a hill. And before doing that, the rover took a selfie, ...

New study reveals why women take sexy selfies

A new UNSW study has revealed the science behind sexy selfies, showing that women tend to sexualise themselves in environments with greater economic inequality, rather than where they might be oppressed because of their gender.

New study shows scientists who selfie garner more public trust

Many scientists today have embraced social media as tools to communicate their research and to engage broader audiences in scientific discovery and its outcomes. But the rise of the "social media scientist" has also led communicators ...

Most selfie takers aren't narcissists, study says

You do it. Your mom, dad, siblings and friends probably do too. World leaders and entertainers do it—though some better than others. Your friend did it on her vacation last week and you gave her a thumbs-up.

Selfie culture: What your choice of camera angle says about you

Over the past decade, selfies have become a mainstay of popular culture. If the #selfie hashtag first appeared in 2004, it was the release of the iPhone 4 in 2010 that saw the pictures go viral. Three years later, the Oxford ...

Teens love vacation selfies; adults, not so much

(AP)—Jacquie Whitt's trip to the Galapagos with a group of teenagers was memorable not just for the scenery and wildlife, but also for the way the kids preserved their memories. It was, said Whitt, a "selfie fest."

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