In US, changing self-concept can lower well-being

American culture values the freedom to change and reinvent one's self. A new study, however, reveals that Americans who do change tend to report a lower sense of well-being.

Sharing on social media makes us overconfident in our knowledge

Sharing news articles with friends and followers on social media can prompt people to think they know more about the articles' topics than they actually do, according to a new study from researchers at The University of Texas ...

Empowering robots for ethical behavior

Scientists at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK have developed a concept called Empowerment to help robots to protect and serve humans, while keeping themselves safe.

AI and human creativity go hand in hand

What does AI look like? You might say it looks like a robot, or flashing LEDs, or a waveform on a screen. But what would AI say AI looks like? To find out, IBM Research asked AI to draw us a picture… of itself. AI's self-portrait ...

How companies are taking advantage of selfie culture

Who would have thought that millennials' polished selfies at the beach or #nofilter photos of themselves would influence how companies are marketing their products on various social media platforms?

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