Experts: The FBI's iPhone-unlocking plan for Apple is risky

In its battle with Apple over an extremist's iPhone, the FBI says neither the company nor anyone else has anything to fear. Although they want to compel assistance from Apple to unlock a phone used by San Bernardino mass ...

Pentagon plans huge, swift upgrade to Windows 10

The Department of Defense is embarking on a program to update millions of its computers to Windows 10, an unusually quick move for one of Microsoft's massive government customers.

Sensor system to speed up airport security screening

Everyone has experienced passing through security screening in airports. Not only is the process slow and intrusive, but you may also wonder whether it is reliable or just a waste of time.

Why government and tech can't agree about encryption

Your phone is getting better and better at protecting your privacy. But Uncle Sam isn't totally comfortable with that, because it's also complicating the work of tracking criminals and potential national-security threats.

Personnel office not the worst in terms of lax cybersecurity

The federal government has for years failed to take basic steps to protect its data from hackers and thieves, putting at risk everything from nuclear secrets to the private tax information of hundreds of millions of Americans, ...

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