3G protocols come up short in privacy, say researchers

(Phys.org)—Researchers from the UK and Germany have found that 3G telephony systems pose a security weakness that results in threats to user privacy. The weakness makes it possible for stalkers to trace and identify subscribers. ...

Living smarter: The interconnected home

Smart homes have long been touted as the future of building. But now even existing homes can be turned smart—and it's easier than ever.

FTC settles complaint over hacked security cameras

The government is settling with the marketer of Internet-connected home security cameras after feeds from consumers' homes—video from baby monitors and home security systems—were posted online for public view.

Report: China hackers stole key Google program

(AP) -- Computer hackers stole a program that controlled access to most of Google Inc.'s services when they attacked the Internet company late last year, according to a report published late Monday.

Researchers discover new way to patch holes in the 'cloud'

Researchers from North Carolina State University and IBM have invented a way to update computer systems packaged in virtual machines in a computer “cloud” – even when those programs are offline.

Transforming the art industry with Blockchain

Sometimes an art forgery is so sophisticated, it fools even the experts. For example, in 2011, Sotheby's brokered a deal for a darkly coloured gentleman's portrait said to be by 17th century painter Frans Hals the Elder. ...

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