Vulnerability in commercial quantum cryptography

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg together with the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen have recently developed and tested a technique ...

Mozilla's pdf.js project reaches its first milestone

( -- You may recall our earlier reporting on the Mozilla's pdf.js project, in which the folks over at Mozilla are trying to get their browser to display PDF files in your Firefox web browser with the help of HTML5.

Cybersecurity: Plugging smart grid weaknesses

Power companies are increasingly upgrading to smart grids—national or state-based intelligent computer systems that collect information from consumers and suppliers in order to automatically improve the grid's efficiency ...

Cybersecurity experts discover lapses in Heartbleed bug fix

A detailed analysis by cybersecurity experts from the University of Maryland found that website administrators nationwide tasked with patching security holes exploited by the Heartbleed bug may not have done enough.

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