China cracks down on wi-fi in public spaces

China has ordered public spaces offering wi-fi web access to install costly software to enable police to identify people using the service, state media said Thursday.

Get dialed in on how to safeguard your smartphones

Remember the sneaky trick played by software makers? Download a free program and somehow it would automatically install an unwanted "search toolbar" on your computer's Internet browser. That annoying ploy hasn't disappeared ...

HP extends offer for Autonomy

US computer giant Hewlett-Packard said on Tuesday it is extending its $10.24 billion offer for Autonomy as it seeks to bring more shareholders of the British software company on board.

Security firm learns limits of security tech

(AP) -- Top-level data breaches often start at the bottom of the ladder. That's a lesson RSA, one of the world's premier computer security firms, learned the hard way.

Jackson's death unleashes barrage of online scams

(AP) -- Minutes after any big celebrity dies, Internet swindlers get to work. They pump out specially created spam e-mails and throw up malicious Web sites to infect victims' computers, hoping to capitalize on the sudden ...

China to stick to controversial software rule

China will not back away from a new rule requiring that Internet filtering software be shipped with all computers sold in the country despite heavy criticism of the plan, state media has said.

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