Geographical passwords worth their salt

It's much easier to remember a place you have visited than a long, complicated password, which is why computer scientist Ziyad Al-Salloum of ZSS-Research in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, is developing a system he calls geographical ...

Detecting program-tampering in the cloud

For small and midsize organizations, the outsourcing of demanding computational tasks to the cloud—huge banks of computers accessible over the Internet—can be much more cost-effective than buying their own hardware. But ...

Google Glass sees all—and that raises privacy concerns

On a recent afternoon, Homer Gaines hiked with girlfriend Tami Stillwell to the gusty peak of Angel Island in the San Francisco Bay, bent down on one knee and slipped a topaz and white-sapphire ring on her finger, capturing ...

HTC settles US charges of security flaws on devices

Taiwan-based electronics maker HTC settled charges with US regulators that it failed to provide adequate security for smartphones and tablet computers sold to Americans, officials said Friday.

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