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RIM seeks probe into report on BlackBerry returns

The maker of the BlackBerry said Friday that it wants U.S. and Canadian regulators to investigate a "false and misleading" report by a financial analyst that claims the company's new smartphone is being returned in unusually ...

Forget your password: The future is 'passthoughts'

( —Instead of typing your password, in the future you may only have to think your password, according to School of Information researchers. A new study explores the feasibility of brainwave-based computer authentication ...

Amazon's online workforce not so anonymous after all

( —Most people assume that's massive online workforce is anonymous, but a study by researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and five other universities has uncovered a security vulnerability ...

As cloud usage expands, so do security risks

Holding everything from highly personal medical and social media material to confidential financial and corporate documents, Internet-based cloud services are gathering an enormous trove of information - already a quarter ...

RIM 'paid Nokia 50 mn euros' for patents

BlackBerry maker Research in Motion (RIM) paid rival Nokia 50 million euros ($65.8 million) to settle a patent dispute, the Financial Times reported on Thursday, citing US regulatory filings.

Tech giants rush to embrace software

Hewlett-Packard's purchase of Autonomy may have turned into a multibillion-dollar disaster, but it hasn't stopped HP - and other Silicon Valley tech giants - from making more big bets to bolster their software offerings, ...

New Blackberry 10 gets security nod

Blackberry maker Research in Motion announced Thursday that its newest smartphone platform, Blackberry 10, has been certified as secure for use by US government agencies.

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