Related topics: security firm · security

Chinese spy team hacks security firms

US cyber security firms on Tuesday said that a Chinese espionage team hacked Forbes magazine to hunt defense contractors, financial firms, and other unsuspecting prey visiting the popular news website.

Cyberattacks to worsen in 2015: McAfee researchers

A series of spectacular cyberattacks drew headlines this year, and the situation will only worsen in 2015 as hackers use more advanced techniques to infiltrate networks, security researchers said Tuesday.

China blocks 'privacy' search engine DuckDuckGo

China has begun blocking the privacy-protecting search engine DuckDuckGo, which avoids storing user data or tracking online activity, according to the company and security researchers.

Chinese tech giant Huawei on Europe recruitment drive

Controversial Chinese technology giant Huawei—which has been condemned as a security risk in the US and Australia—is to recruit hundreds of research and development staff in Europe, the president of its French subsidiary ...

Malware sneaks into online ads: researchers

Hackers are increasingly slipping malicious software into online advertising, creating risks for the Internet economic model, security researchers said Tuesday.

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