Transaction fees change the culture of bitcoin, study says

Bitcoin transaction fees—financial rewards for adding certain records to a blockchain ahead of others—keep the cryptocurrency functioning, but may threaten its long-term viability and contribute to its energy waste, according ...

Astronomers unlikely victims of Mexico's violence, crime

Astronomers have become the latest victims of Mexico's violence with activities at two observatories being reduced because their staff suffered crimes while travelling to the remote mountain sites, researchers said Thursday.

Researchers discover security flaws in smart home products

Smart home products such as lamps controlled via mobile devices are becoming ever more popular in private households. We would, however, feel vulnerable in our own four walls if strangers suddenly started switching the lights ...

The quick brown fox can help secure your passwords online

In 2004 Bill Gates pronounced usernames and passwords dead. Gates, a man consistently thinking ahead of the crowd, was right. Most of us – including our employers and the online services we rely on – just haven't caught ...

States face health law cybersecurity challenges

(AP)—Security experts working for the government on the rollout of President Barack Obama's health care law worried that state computer systems could become a back door for hackers.

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