Optimal building management through centralization

Desigo CC is making building management much easier and convenient. Desigo CC is the world's first management station to combine all of the adjustable building systems into a single control station. The station controls a ...

Researchers crack unassailable encryption algorithm in two hours

(Phys.org) —A protocol based on "discrete logarithms", deemed as one of the candidates for the Internet's future security systems, was decrypted by EPFL researchers. Allegedly tamper-proof, it could only stand up to the ...

New algorithm shakes up cryptography

Researchers at the Laboratoire Lorrain de Recherches en Informatique et ses Applications (CNRS/Université de Lorraine/Inria) and the Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6 (CNRS/UPMC) have solved one aspect of the discrete ...

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