Drone market to hit $10 billion by 2024: experts

The market for military drones is expected to almost double by 2024 to beyond $10 billion (8.9 billion euros), according to a report published Friday by specialist defence publication IHS Jane's Intelligence Review.

Detecting malicious files uploaded to cloud services

A powerful new computer security tool, called XDet, can detect malicious files being uploaded to a cloud computing service is reported this month in the International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing by researchers ...

Smart gadgets from guns to cars ripe for hacking

Hackers are not just after your computer: connected devices from cars to home security systems to sniper rifles are now targets for actors looking to steal or cause mischief.

Brain's reaction to certain words could replace passwords

You might not need to remember those complicated e-mail and bank account passwords for much longer. According to a new study, the way your brain responds to certain words could be used to replace passwords.

Secure payment on Internet?

Now that it has become a common feature on the news to hear about cyber attacks on an international scale, cybersecurity is seen as a first priority by Internet users. There can be no doubt that the web has become a battleground ...

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