Lockdown: Apple could make it even tougher to hack Phones

Suppose the FBI wins its court battle and forces Apple to help unlock an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino killers. That could open all iPhones up to potential government scrutiny—but it's not the end of the story.

Swedes turn to social app to guard against crime

It's every parent's nightmare. You lose track of your 4-year-old at a playground, and the next thing you know, and you're running around, frantically asking people if they've seen your child.

Drone market to hit $10 billion by 2024: experts

The market for military drones is expected to almost double by 2024 to beyond $10 billion (8.9 billion euros), according to a report published Friday by specialist defence publication IHS Jane's Intelligence Review.

Detecting malicious files uploaded to cloud services

A powerful new computer security tool, called XDet, can detect malicious files being uploaded to a cloud computing service is reported this month in the International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing by researchers ...

Smart gadgets from guns to cars ripe for hacking

Hackers are not just after your computer: connected devices from cars to home security systems to sniper rifles are now targets for actors looking to steal or cause mischief.

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