China Mobile blocked from offering phone service in US

U.S. communications regulators on Thursday rejected a Chinese telecom company's application to provide service in the U.S. due to national security risks amid an escalation in tensions between the two countries.

NREL helps communities assess their readiness for electric vehicles

The U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has launched a new tool to help local and regional leaders assess the readiness of their communities for the arrival of plug-in electric vehicles ...

Judge sides with government in lawsuit over surveillance

A federal judge on Tuesday sided with the government in a lawsuit alleging the National Security Agency is illegally engaging in the bulk collection of Internet and telephone records in the hunt for potential terrorists.

Revisions eyed for rushed Australia encryption law

Australia's top legal body on Friday warned of police and intelligence "overreach" after Canberra rushed through parliament controversial laws allowing authorities to circumvent encrypted communications.

UK gov't told to rethink data surveillance plan

(AP)—British lawmakers on Tuesday demanded the government water down plans to keep track of phone calls, email and Internet activity—a bill critics dub a "snooper's charter."

Researchers establishing security standards for the internet

( -- Dartmouth researchers who were pioneers in Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - a system that secures and authenticates computer communications - are now playing leading roles establishing Internet standards ...

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