US data mining system technical details murky

The US government's vast online data collection system revealed this week could tap into companies like Google and Facebook without the knowledge of top executives, experts said.

NSA seeks recruits via Twitter

The National Security Agency (NSA) is looking for a few good cybersnoops. This week's furor over top-secret collection of phone records and online data isn't deterring the US government's electronic intelligence-gathering ...

Is Big Data turning government into 'Big Brother'? (Update)

With every phone call they make and every Web excursion they take, people are leaving a digital trail of revealing data that can be tracked by profit-seeking companies and terrorist-hunting government officials.

Push for US Internet 'wiretap' law faces tough road

The FBI is stepping up its effort to get broader authority to put "wiretaps" on the Internet to catch criminals and terrorists. But the move is drawing fire from civil liberties groups, technology firms and others who claim ...

Researchers test quantum encryption hacking risk

( —Quantum communication systems offer the promise of virtually unbreakable encryption. Unlike classical encryption, which is used to send secure data over networks today and whose security depends on the difficulty ...

Research finds new channels to trigger mobile malware

( —Researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) have uncovered new hard-to-detect methods that criminals may use to trigger mobile device malware that could eventually lead to targeted attacks launched ...

Teenage password security

Many of us are sharing increasing amounts of personal information through online social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and others. However, according to Charlott Lorentzen, Markus Fiedler and Henric Johnson ...

Google to Congress: Time to change email laws

Google Inc. is calling on the U.S. Congress to update laws related to email and other forms of electronic communications, calling the current rules outdated and inconsistent.

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