Despite temperature shifts, treehoppers manage to mate

During the mating season, male treehoppers—small plant feeding insects—serenade potential mates with vibrational songs sent through plant stems. If a female treehopper's interest is sparked, a male-female duet ensues ...

Sneaky mating may be in female damselfies' interest

During the mating season, male damselflies battle fiercely for control of prime territories containing resources—typically patches of floating leaves used for egg deposition in wetlands—that are key to attracting females. ...

Longer summer dry season observed in Congo rainforest

A recently documented long-term drying trend over the Congo Basin could have important implications on the future of the world's second largest rainforest, according to a study published today in Nature Climate Change.

Seasonal monsoon rains block key ocean current

Our oceans and the complex "conveyer belt" system of currents that connects them play an important role in regulating global climate. The oceans store heat from the Sun, and ocean currents transport that heat from the tropics ...

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