Food quality matters for southern resident killer whales

Not all Chinook salmon are created equal, and this has a major impact on the energetics for southern resident killer whales. A recent study quantified the lipid content in Fraser River Chinook salmon—the southern resident's ...

A scientist and a supercomputer re-create a tornado

With tornado season fast approaching or already underway in vulnerable states throughout the U.S., new supercomputer simulations are giving meteorologists unprecedented insight into the structure of monstrous thunderstorms ...

Surprise discovery of two new—and very loud—frog species

Scientists from the University of Newcastle, Australian Museum, South Australian Museum, and Queensland National Parks and Wildlife have found and described two new, very loud frog species from eastern Australia: the Slender ...

Explainer: Role of the Amazon in global climate change

Fires across the Brazilian Amazon have sparked an international outcry for preservation of the world*s largest rainforest. Here's a look at the role the Amazon plays in regulating the world's climate:

Radar reveals meltwater's year-round life under Greenland ice

When summer temperatures rise in Greenland and the melt season begins, water pools on the surface, and sometimes disappears down holes in the ice. That water may eventually reach bedrock, creating a slipperier, faster slide ...

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