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How to keep kids curious: Five questions answered

Kids are naturally curious. But various forces in the environment can dampen their curiosity over time. Can anything be done to keep kids' curiosity alive? For answers to this question, The Conversation U.S. turned to Perry ...

Researcher develops Google for archaeologists

An incredible quantity of archaeological reports are stored in digital archives. If you want to search for information in them, you have to do this manually. And that is a real chore. Archaeologist Alex Brandsen has now used ...

New search engine for single cell atlases

A new software tool allows researchers to quickly query datasets generated from single-cell sequencing. Users can identify which cell types any combination of genes are active in. Published in Nature Methods on 1st March, ...

Citizens versus the internet

The Internet has revolutionized our lives—whether in terms of working, finding information or entertainment, connecting with others, or shopping. The online world has made many things easier and opened up previously unimaginable ...

Why do men have to wait for 'round 2'?

If you type into a search engine—"why do men have to wait before having sex again?"—the results will include many references to prolactin. This hormone is thought to be involved in hundreds of physiological processes ...

What use do teenagers make of YouTube?

"What are teens doing with YouTube? Practices, uses and metaphors of the most popular audio-visual platform" is the title of an article published in the journal Information, Communication & Society by Fernanda Pires, Maria-José ...

Eco search engine sees surge in downloads as Amazon burns

Can you save the rainforest from your desk? A spike in downloads for a search engine that's contributing profits to planting trees shows people are looking for ways to help as fires rage across the Brazilian Amazon.

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