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Investors to get Google records on online drug ads

(AP) -- A Delaware judge has given Google Inc. until April 9 to give a pension fund investors company documents involving what authorities said was the illegal online marketing of prescription drugs to U.S. consumers by ...

Americans not fans of online targeted ads: survey

Most Americans are satisfied with their Internet search engines but they are not fans of targeted advertising, seeing it as an invasion of privacy, according to a survey published on Friday.

Google threatens to drop links to French media

Google has threatened to exclude French media sites from its search results if France implements a proposed law forcing search engines to pay for content, according to a letter obtained by AFP.

Google responds to newspaper critics

Faced with a steady drumbeat of criticism from a shrinking newspaper industry, Google is out to prove that it is friend not foe.

Microsoft earnings rise with business spending

(AP) -- A swell of spending by businesses on new computers, software and servers helped push Microsoft Corp.'s earnings for the most recent quarter past Wall Street's expectations.

YouTube's new sales pitch: join our ad program

(AP) -- YouTube hopes to convert more amateur videographers into capitalists as it strives to show more advertising on its Web site and reverse years of uninterrupted losses.

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