Call for 'citizen scientists' to help protect sea turtles

'Citizen scientists' can help protect endangered green sea turtles by observing and gathering information about them, according to a PhD student from The University of Western Australia's Oceans Institute.

Better data needed in determining sea turtle population trends

( —Sea turtle populations may be increasing—or decreasing—but by using the most common method of simply counting nests or nesting females there is no way to know for sure, a University of Florida research team ...

Study maps accidental killings of sea turtles

Sea turtles can get accidentally caught and killed in fishing operations, and new research out Monday seeks to map this phenomenon for the first time in a bid to save the endangered creatures.

Five sea turtle populations are endangered

The United States issued a ruling on Friday saying that five world populations of loggerhead sea turtles are endangered species but four are only "threatened."

Study: Loggerhead turtles put at risk by fishing

(AP) -- It's a scene that scientists say is all too common: A commercial fishing boat pulls in a net full of shrimp or tuna and finds a loggerhead sea turtle mixed in with the catch.

Tags to track and preserve Mary River turtles

Researchers from Charles Darwin University (CDU) are trying to find a solution to help recover the Mary River turtle population by tracking their movements with an acoustic device.

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