The first endemic Baltic Sea fish species received its name

The Baltic flounder Platichthys solemdali is the first fish species shown to be native only to the Baltic Sea, i.e., the first endemic fish described from the area and one of the only two known endemic species when considering ...

New oceanographic insight pinpoints marine 'hotspots of risk'

Increased computing power has given fisheries researchers new tools to identify "hotspots of risk," where ocean fronts and eddies bring together masses of fish, fishermen and predators, raising the risk of entangling non-target ...

New species in the North Sea

Experts from the Alfred Wegener Institute and the Universities of Oldenburg and Potsdam, Germany, have confirmed the existence of a new cryptic amphipod species in the North Sea. For the first time for the description of ...

Researchers study how to improve southern sea otter survival

University of Wyoming researchers have been studying how best to bolster the southern sea otter population, which suffers from low genetic diversity and has been further ravaged by Toxoplasma brain disease and others, shark ...

Human impact on sea urchin abundance

Sea urchin populations are more sensitive to human activities than previously believed, according to a half-century observational study. Researchers found that changing water temperature and algal blooms strongly affected ...

New ancestor of modern sea turtles found in Alabama

A sea turtle discovered in Alabama is a new species from the Late Cretaceous epoch, according to a study published April 18, 2018 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Drew Gentry from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, ...

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