Microplastics discovered in the deep, open ocean

A unique study by scientists at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) will provide valuable new insights into the concentrations of microplastics in the open ocean from surface to the sea bed.

Six to 10 million years ago: Ice-free summers at the North Pole

An international team of scientists led by the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) have managed to open a new window into the climate history of the Arctic Ocean. Using unique sediment ...

Mapping land claimed by sea level rise

The New Jersey shoreline that sea birds wandered during the last ice age is about 90 miles east of today's beaches, tens of meters beneath the sea floor. As the ice melted, sea level gradually rose and flooded the coastal ...

Predicting the shape of river deltas

The Mississippi River delta is a rich ecosystem of barrier islands, estuaries, and wetlands that's home to a diverse mix of wildlife—as well as more than 2 million people. Over the past few decades, the shape of the delta ...

Engineering a better future for the Mississippi Delta

River deltas, low-lying landforms that host critical and diverse ecosystems as well as high concentrations of human population, face an uncertain future. Even as some deltas experience decreased sediment supply from damming, ...

Protect the world's deltas

Extensive areas of the world's deltas—which accommodate major cities such as Shanghai, Dhaka and Bangkok—will be drowned in the next century by rising sea levels, according to a Comment piece in this week's Nature.

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