California's sea otter numbers holding steady

When a sea otter wants to rest, it wraps a piece of kelp around its body to hold itself steady among the rolling waves. Likewise, California's sea otter numbers are holding steady despite many forces pushing against their ...

Veterinary researchers discover new poxvirus in sea otters

( —After studying unusual skin lesions seen in two orphaned sea otter pups, University of Florida scientists and their collaborators have identified a previously unknown poxvirus in the infected animals.

Energy demands of raising a pup push sea otter moms to the limit

Parents often complain that child-rearing is exhausting, but consider the poor sea otter mom. By the time a sea otter pup is weaned, its mother may be so depleted physiologically that she is unable to survive the stress of ...

Sea otters can get the flu, too

Northern sea otters living off the coast of Washington state were infected with the same H1N1 flu virus that caused the world-wide pandemic in 2009, according to a new U.S. Geological Survey and Centers for Disease Control ...

US: Sea otters are recovered following 1989 spill

(AP)—A U.S. federal study of Prince William Sound sea otters affected by crude oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez has concluded that the marine mammals have returned to pre-spill numbers a quarter century after the disaster.

Loss of large carnivores poses global conservation problem

In ecosystems around the world, the decline of large predators such as lions, dingoes, wolves, otters, and bears is changing the face of landscapes from the tropics to the Arctic – but an analysis of 31 carnivore species ...

California's sea otter numbers continue slow climb

California sea otter numbers are up, according to the latest population survey led by federal, state, and UC Santa Cruz scientists. The reasons: more pups and the addition of San Nicolas Island sea otters to the population ...

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