Earthworm invasion

Beavers reshape landscapes with their dams. Wolves control elk populations. Sea otters protect kelp forests by eating sea urchins. These are what ecologists call "keystone" species: critters that control an ecosystem and ...

Sea otters promote recovery of seagrass beds

Scientists studying the decline and recovery of seagrass beds in one of California's largest estuaries have found that recolonization of the estuary by sea otters was a crucial factor in the seagrass comeback. Led by researchers ...

Sea mammals find US safe harbor

( —In 1972, a U.S. Senate committee reported, "Many of the great whales which once populated the oceans have now dwindled to the edge of extinction," due to commercial hunting. The committee also worried about ...

Recovery slows for California's sea otters, 2012 survey shows

The southern sea otter population continues its pattern of tepid recovery, according to the latest population survey led by scientists with the U.S. Geological Survey, UC Santa Cruz, and the California Department of Fish ...

Vancouver marks birth of Greenpeace 40 years ago

A simple phone call about dead sea otters washing up on the shores of Alaska after US nuclear tests lead to the birth of environmental organization Greenpeace four decades ago.

Study shows best places to protect marine mammals

(AP) -- From sea otters to blue whales, marine mammals are under stress from climate change, ocean acidification, hunting and other threats. Researchers have identified 20 important sites around the world where they say ...

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