How to free trapped radicals from carboxyl

The removal of carboxyl groups and the release of alkyl radical fragments from the tight binding of carboxyl groups are promising directions in organic synthesis, especially in drug synthesis. Various catalysts have been ...

We've got tapeworms and scabies! And reproducible research

Two new research papers on scabies and tapeworms published today in the Open Access journal GigaScience also include a collaboration with This collaboration showcases a new way to share scientific methods that ...

NASA rover preparing to take first Mars rock samples

The Perseverance Mars rover is preparing to collect its first rock sample from the site of an ancient lake bed, as its mission to search for signs of past life begins in earnest, NASA said Wednesday.

Ancient submerged volcanoes bristle with sea life

Scientists collaborating with Museums Victoria Research Institute have mapped the seafloor in Australia's Cocos (Keeling) Islands Marine Park in detail for the first time, revealing massive flat-topped ancient sea-mountains, ...

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