Forensics lab cracks case on newer, 'greener' gunshot residue

Discoveries by West Virginia University forensic scientists about how gunshot residue behaves on skin, hair and fabric will allow crime scene investigators to catch up to the proliferation of new, eco-friendly types of ammunition ...

How nanoplastics can influence metabolism

PET—the plastic used to make bottles, for example—is ubiquitous in our natural environment. In a joint study, scientists from Leipzig University and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) investigated the ...

Is science really better than journalism at self-correction?

Rolling Stone's retraction of an incendiary article about an alleged gang rape on the campus of the University of Virginia certainly deserves a place in the pantheon of legendary journalism screw-ups. It is highly unusual ...

New synthesis of complex organic molecules revealed

Japanese scientists have—for the first time—developed an efficient way to make organic molecules that have so far been difficult to synthesize because of their overall bulky structure and general instability.

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