Future-proofing ice measurements from space

With diminishing ice one of the biggest casualties of our warming world, it's imperative that accurate measurements continue to be made for scientific research and climate policy, as well as for practical applications such ...

BepiColombo slows down at Venus en route to Mercury

Approaching Venus from its day side, passing the planet, using its gravitational pull to slow down and continuing on its night side on course for Mercury: On Thursday 15 October 2020, at 05:58 CEST, ESA's BepiColombo spacecraft ...

NASA analysis shows heavy rain in Typhoon Bualoi

Typhoon Bualoi continues to move through the Northwestern Pacific Ocean and the Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core satellite measured rainfall rates throughout the storm.

Stunning amateur timelapse of Jupiter 're-enacts' Voyager flyby

Back in the 1970′s when NASA launched the two Voyager spacecraft to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, I remember being mesmerized by a movie created from Voyager 1 images of the movement of the clouds in Jupiter's atmosphere.

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