The mother of all lizards found in Italian Alps

Scientists said Wednesday they had tracked down the oldest known lizard, a tiny creature that lived about 240 million years ago when Earth had a single continent and dinosaurs were brand new.

Could the peatlands of Congo be a carbon bomb?

Gruelling talks are unfolding in Bonn for implementing the UN's Paris Agreement on climate change, but many kilometres (miles) away, there are fears that any progress may be wiped out by a lurking carbon threat.

2020 deadline to avert climate catastrophe: experts

Humanity must put carbon dioxide emissions on a downward slope by 2020 to have a realistic shot at capping global warming at well under two degrees Celsius, the bedrock goal of the Paris climate accord, experts said Wednesday.

How scientists should communicate their work in a post-truth era

It's not an easy time for scientists to talk to the wider public. The US president, Donald Trump, has called global warming "bullshit" and a "Chinese hoax". In the UK, leave campaigner and MP Michael Gove famously declared ...

Churchill's search for ET

War correspondent, statesman, astronomer. Stargazing may not be what Winston Churchill is best remembered for, but a treatise he wrote on extraterrestrial life has revealed his scientific acumen six decades later.

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