Image: Tricorder

This gadget looks like a precursor to the devices medical officers use to scan patients in science fiction, and it is not far off. The MyotonPRO tests muscle tension and stiffness.

Harlan Ellison, science fiction master, dies at age 84

Harlan Ellison, the prolific, pugnacious author of "A Boy and His Dog," and countless other stories that blasted society with their nightmarish, sometimes darkly humorous scenarios, has died at age 84

'Sci-fi to real life': US invests $17 million in laser tech

The U.S. Defense Department is investing $17 million in high-powered laser technology that has the potential for practical uses on the battlefield, from destroying enemy drones to disrupting communication systems.

Video: Supersonic gas jets blast off

Supersonic gas jets sound like science fiction, but they are actually found throughout our solar system: for example, fast jets of sulfur dioxide stream from the surface of Jupiter's moon Io and water vapor sprays from the ...

Improving cryopreservation for a longer-lasting blood supply

Freezing and reanimating your body is still science fiction, but cryopreserving cells and certain tissues for future use is a reality. Still, the process could use some improvements to make it more useful in emergencies. ...

Video: Genetically modified humans? CRISPR/Cas 9 explained

Thanks to a new, cheap and accurate DNA-editing technique called CRISPR-Cas9, targeted genetic modification in humans is no longer just the realm of science fiction. Both the British and U.S. governments recently gave scientists ...

A quantum simulator of impossible physics

The research group Quantum Technologies for Information Science (QUTIS) of the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Countr has created a quantum simulator that is capable of creating unphysical phenomena in the atomic world—in ...

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