Less is more for Maxwell's Demon in quantum heat engines

Over 150 years after the famous Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell first introduced the idea, the concept of Maxwell's demon continues to perplex physicists and information scientists. The demon he dreamed up in a thought ...

Decarbonizing your ride for a more stable climate

Transportation produces a sizable amount of greenhouse gas emissions, largely by using petroleum to power internal combustion engines. Alternatives –- for example, organic materials such as grasses to produce fuels or electricity ...

Image: Modular experiment platform on the ISS

Getting a science experiment on the world's only floating outpost in Earth orbit is a costly and time-consuming endeavour. ICE Cubes is ESA's faster, lower cost answer to making science happen in space.

Experiment sends engineered plants to ISS

If humanity is going to push the boundaries of space exploration, we're going to need plants to come along for the ride. Not just spinach or potatoes, though—plants can do so much more than just feed us.

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