Are we closing in on dark matter?

As the search for dark matter intensifies, the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago and the National Academy of Sciences organized a colloquium that brings together cosmologists, particle ...

It looks, feels and tastes like chicken, but it's made of soy

Sure, some delicacies might taste just like chicken, but they usually feel and look much different. Soy meat alternatives, such as the soy burger, have become more popular recently, with increased sales of eight percent from ...

Removal of restrictions can decrease music piracy

Contrary to the traditional views of the music industry, removal of digital rights management (DRM) restrictions can actually decrease piracy, according to new research from Rice University and Duke University.

El Nino cycle has a big effect on a major greenhouse gas

Nitrous oxide is commonly associated with laughing gas—the pleasantly benign vapor that puts patients at ease in the dentist's chair. But outside the dentist's office, the gas plays a serious role in the planet's warming ...

Feeling the heat: 30 tons of fine control for fusion plasmas

A major upgrade to the DIII-D tokamak fusion reactor operated by General Atomics in San Diego will enable it to develop fusion plasmas that can burn indefinitely. Researchers installed a movable, 30-ton particle-beam heating ...

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